He also has a rival, a bizarre hyperactive mental case named Nanbara who's richer, smarter, better looking, and much more clever than Kazuya... at least, according to Nanbara. One day, the jealous Nanbara's plot for revenge results in Kazuya getting a package from Cyberdyne Corporation.
Kazuya takes delivery of May, a pint-sized "cyberdoll" with a French maid's outfit (very cool), a desire to please, and a recharge port in a very intimate place. For his part, Kazuya has to contend with keeping May a secret from the public at large, making her feel wanted and useful.
Hand Maid May is a sweet-and-funny type of anime, and not the hentai type you would expect. Every episode (a total of 11) its very comic and awesome. In adition, the animation in this series is bright and cheerful and the characters are very cute and friendly.
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